Affiliate Disclosure

It’s important to take a note about affiliate disclosure. The Federal Trade Commission introduced the updated rules and regulations regarding the Disclosure Compliance in 2015.

Mainly these rules center the assurance and enlightenment that the buyers/readers or viewers know about the sponsorship with different companies that the publisher or the blogger has. It can also be an endorsement or partnership. Moreover, the Federal Trade Commission also set the rule that readers should know whether the content publisher is earning when sharing the link of the product. Note that the links on this website are pure affiliate to which a small chunk of fortune from sales is at our disposal.

What Are Affiliate Links?

When a reader or potential buyer clicks on the affiliate link and make a purchase, then we got a commission as their affiliate partner.

Hence, if its amazon affiliate than Amazon or whichever company it is affiliated to that, pay Displaybenchmark, a small commission or compensation to bring customers to their website.

So far as the prices are concerned, it is the exact same as the product and there is no second thought about that. When a reader or buyer makes a purchase from the affiliate link, it has nothing to do with the change in the product’s price that the company has mentioned.

The amazon links are PPC (Pay per Click) and that’s why you will not be paying more than the actual price of the product at all. Using affiliate links doesn’t increase the price rate for the website owner!

Mainly Displaybenchmark uses these two affiliate tools

  • Amazon Affiliate Program Displaybenchmark is a contributor in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. It’s an affiliate-ad program which is intended to offer a medium of earning to the website owner. It is related to the affiliate website to
  • Product Affiliate links it’s pretty simple that whenever a reader or buyer clicks on the product link through Displaybenchmark website and makes a purchase, we shall receive a little percentage from that very sale.

About Sponsored Content

We, ( do not entertain the sponsor posts as a rule of thumb. That said, if any interested company chooses to use sponsored content publishing we shall mention at the top of the affiliate disclosure.