Editorial Guidelines: Displaybenchmark

The highlighted purpose of Displaybenchmark.com is to offer its reader and viewers the update information with well-researched and knowledge-based content based on display monitors and television gears and the related queries. 

In order to keep up with the ethical code of the content on this website, we have found and set the below mentioned editorial guidelines. Have a look at the core insight and set of rules to infer better.

Unbiased and Fair-mildness

The entire content range on our website should be written without inclination. We do not promote or encourage any brands, products or advertisements. Our purpose is to offer helpful information and clear insight to the pros and downsides of each of the products so that our readers get a fair idea regarding the potential problem (if any).

Lucidity Clearance

In case of any biases or objective conflict, Displaybenchmark will reveal the conflict of interest that may likely impact our coverage in view of a specified problem or product.

Authenticity of facts

Each and every article on this website should be properly inspect and checked for the facts by the expert editor prior to publish

Novelty of the Content

It’s very important that our content must be original. The novelty of the content and its plagiarize-free approach marks its un-related from any other root/lead/source. In case or any chunk of the article being taken from any other site or place, it must be mentioned and quoted clearly.

Credibility and Correctness

Displaybenchmark always prioritizes the content accuracy and value to the readers. Therefore, all the posts and articles on this website are not only error-free but hold accuracy and reliability. In our editorial guidelines we support properly analyzing, verifying and citing the facts and figures.

In case of any mistake (found) it should be altered and addressed on the spot. The altered version of the article and precision notice should be published on the site.


All the articles and each category of the content should be written succinctly and clearly without making things verbose. The deliberate use of jargons, and complex terminology should either be explained or linked to the authentic source.

Photos and Videos 

The incorporation of photos and videos should be authentically sourced and mentioned. The graphical content must never violate the copyright laws.  However, if any image or photo found to be violating the laws in any way, it should instantly be removed or credited for best.

Comments and Discussions

Displaybenchmark promote and appreciate our readers to take part in the discussions in the comment box. It helps to make a better community. However, we will never support or bear any hate speech, bullying, or personal attacks in any way. If any comment contradicts the guidelines it will be undone.

Updating, Modernizing, and Upgrade

Displaybenchmark will continue to optimize our content in view of the latest information to our readers. This will help to relate the information the value it provides. We will keep track of the upcoming updates and the potential alteration in the content.

We are anticipating the correctness and authentic information by sticking to these editorial guidelines. We have a goal incorporate helpful technology

For Editorial-related Questions

If you have any query, we encourage you to email at hello@displaybenchmark.com. We are looking forward to your feedback that contributes to better and optimal editorial standards.